One of the well maintained and green zoo in our country is Trivandrum Zoo. Also a museum is housed inside the zoo. We happened to be in Trivandrum while going towards Kanyakumari. We did a stay at Kovalam beach and before heading out to Kanyakumari we went to Trivandrum.

The city has historical significance. It is also know for the art gallery , palace and Padmanabh temple. We were not so lucky that day and were in hurry to reach to our destination. So the best option was doing a tour of the Zoo. And it was indeed one of the best sight we have seen in the tour to Kerala.

It was peak of winter everywhere in the country but here humidity makes you sweat a lot. So be prepared for the same. Sun was at it's peak so Anagha was also prepared with her hat. Seeing variety of wildlife was a treat for her.

One must go through the Natural History Museum if having sufficient time in hand.

Well maintained Aviary.

Pond and green surrounding makes this zoo more interesting and give a forest like feel.

No doubt it's a favourite place for kids to sit.

Lots of reptile species can be found here that you will need half a day to explore this zoo.

This is really too much :-) Lot of spotted deer that it looks like one beautiful design.

We are not yet tired but yes sweat is trickling down on my spine. Of course we were in coastal town.

Raginee in her self designed skirt and red top posing for the camera.

Artistic gazebo to rest near the museum building.

This building itself is art. The sheer size and wood work is staggering. A typical design cane be found in Tamil Nadu and Kerala temples.

Now even the Lion is also tired. This was our our last picture before the exist and going ahead for Kanyakumari.

Enroute saw Poovar backwater & beach. Setting sun painted it's golden glow on the whole green carpet and the beach.

We had to cover the distance to kept the camera in bag and moved towards Nagercoil for the destination Kanyakumari. One who wants to visit Kanyakumari or Trivandrum can visit both the place if time is in hand. Even the route is scenic. Trivandrum has a rich history, art and culture.